Univ.-Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bomze

Full Professor (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)

Research areas in the program

  • Global Optimization
  • Nonlinear Optimization
  • Optimization under Uncertainty and Risk
  • Optimization for Data Analysis


  • copositive optimization
  • conic optimization
  • polynomial optimization
  • mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
  • reformulation and relaxation
  • computational data analysis

Research Interests

The research interests of Immanuel Bomze comprise non-linear continuous and global optimization, with a focus on quadratic and conic optimization. Some ten years ago, he introduced together with his coauthors the theory of copositive optimization, a by now highly active and proficient research field which has strong links also to discrete (combinatorial) optimization; clustering and classification (data analysis); and algorithmic (evolutionary) game theory, with significant applications in machine learning, pattern recognition and image processing as well as economic and biological modeling.

Know-how and infrastructure of the research group

The group led by I. Bomze consists currently of two Associate Professors, two Post-Docs and two PhD-students. All of these researchers have, relative to their academic career, a high qualification and activity level in their research areas which, together with their sufficient international visibility, will create a fruitful and stimulating research atmosphere and also will contribute building and maintaining a professional network to support the future career of new PhD. Candidates emerging from this program, being inside or outside academia. All necessary material infrastructure offered by the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, as also detailed by the members who are co-applicants (Pflug) are to be used by the PhD candidates.

Collaborations within the VGSCO

With Vladimir Kolmogorov and Arnold Neumaier on Global Optimization, with Radu Boţ and Arnold Neumaier on Nonlinear Optimization, with Dan Alistarh, Arnold Neumaier and Birgit Rudloff on Optimization under Uncertainty and Risk and with Dan Alistarh, Radu Boţ and Arnold Neumaier on Optimization for Data Analysis.

Scientific CV

Immanuel M. Bomze was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1958. He received the degree Magister rerum naturalium in Mathematics at the University of Vienna in 1981. After a postgraduate scholarship at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, from 1981 to 1982, he received the degree Doctor rerum naturalium in Mathematics at the University of Vienna. He held several visiting research positions at various research institutions across Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Since 2004, he holds a chair (full professor) of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Vienna. His research interests are in the areas of nonlinear optimization, qualitative theory of dynamical systems, game theory, mathematical modelling and statistics, where he has edited one and published four books, as well as over 80 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and monographs. The list of his co-authors comprises over sixty scientists from over a dozen countries in four continents.

As a member of program and/or organizing committees, he co-organized various scientific events and he is an Associate Editor for five international journals. For several Science Foundations and Councils (based in Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, USA), and for almost 50 scientific journals he acted as a reporting referee. Currently he serves as an Editor of the European Journal of Operational Research, one of the worldwide leading journals in the field.

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