
NameTopicInstitutionSupervisorDate of defense
Mikhail KARAPETYANTS (PhD student)Fast continuous and discrete time approaches for smooth and nonsmooth optimization featuring time scaling and Tikhonov regularizationUniversity of Vienna, Department of MathematicsRadu Ioan Boţ13-01-2025
Beryl Ramadhian ARIBOWO (PhD student)Machine learning for chemical dataUniversity of Vienna, Department of MathematicsArnold Neumaier14-11-2024
Nikolaus FROHNER (associated PhD student)

Advancing state space search for static and dynamic optimization by parallelization and learning

TU Wien, Institute of Computer Graphics and AlgorithmsGünther Raidl11-05-2023
Michael SEDLMAYER (associated PhD student)Convergence rate analysis of optimisation and minimax algorithms for machine learningUniversity of Vienna, Department of MathematicsRadu Ioan Boţ, Tara Andrews24-02-2023
(associated PhD student)

Elicitability and identifiability of set-valued functionals

Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Statistics and MathematicsBirgit Rudloff19-11-2021
Gabriela KOVÁČOVÁ (associated PhD student)The set-valued Bellman principle: Methodology, applications and computationVienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Statistics and MathematicsBirgit Rudloff03-11-2021
Matthias HORN (PhD student)Advances in search techniques for combinatorial optimization: new anytime A* search and decision diagram based approachesTU Wien, Institute of Computer Graphics and AlgorithmsGünther Raidl09-09-2021
Michael KAHR (associated PhD student)Mathematical optimization for social network analysis: Influence maximization and community detectionUniversity of Vienna, Department of Statistics and Operations ResearchImmanuel Bomze21-06-2021
Morteza KIMIAEI (PhD student)Unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization in high dimensionsUniversity of Vienna, Department of MathematicsArnold Neumaier15-06-2021
(PhD student)
Exact and heuristic approaches for solving string problems from bioinformaticsTU Wien, Institute of Computer Graphics and AlgorithmsGünther Raidl05-05-2021

Dang-Khoa NGUYEN
(PhD student)

Numerical algorithms for structured nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problemsUniversity of Vienna, Department of MathematicsRadu Ioan Boţ22-04-2021
Markus GABL
(PhD student)
Conic and quadratic optimization tools for optimization under uncertaintyUniversity of Vienna, Department of Statistics and Operations ResearchImmanuel Bomze06-04-2021
(PhD student)
Quantitative convergence estimates of deterministic and stochastic methods
for optimization and minimax problem
University of Vienna, Department of MathematicsRadu Ioan Boţ30-10-2020
Stefan NEUMANN (PhD student)Provably finding and exploiting patterns in dataUniversity of Vienna, Department of Computer ScienceMonika Henzinger11-09-2020
(PhD student)
Stochastic approximation for PDE-constrained optimization under uncertaintyUniversity of Vienna, Department of Stochastics and Operations Research Georg Pflug20-05-2020

Benedikt KLOCKER
(associated PhD student)

Combinatorial optimization approaches for graph construction problemsTU Wien, Institute of Logic and ComputationGünther Raidl25-02-2020
Dennis MEIER
(associated PhD student)

Improving the convergence behaviour of splitting algorithms for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces: from weak to strong convergence

University of Vienna, Department of MathematicsRadu Ioan Boţ19-02-2020
(associated PhD student)
Insurance contract under ambiguityUniversity of Vienna, Department of Statistics and Operations ResearchGeorg Pflug20-12-2019

Martin GLANZER (associated PhD student)

Multistage stochastic and distributionally robust optimization

University of Vienna, Department of Statistics and Operations ResearchGeorg Pflug23-10-2019
Gramoz GORANCI (associated PhD student)Dynamic graph algorithms and graph sparsification: new techniques and connectionsUniversity of Vienna, Department of Computer ScienceMonika Henzinger13-06-2019